An Asian-American officer shows his military scars during the meeting and asks ‘Is that patriotic enough?’

A municipal administrator in a Cincinnati suburb made a powerful statement during a board meeting this week after showing the scars he received while serving in the U.S. Army.

Lee Wong.West Chester Township

At the West Chester Township, Ohio, Tuesday meeting, the Board of Trustees, President Lee Wong, 69, revealed the scars he carries on his chest while giving an impromptu speech on violence against Asian Americans after the assassination of six women of Asian descent in Georgia, as well as a recent increase in racially motivated attacks against Asian Americans across the country.

Wong, who considers himself a moderate Republican, spoke for the first time about coming to the United States from Borneo at the age of 18 and the “unfortunate event” that led him to pursue a career in public service. While in Chicago in the 1970s, someone beat him up for being Asian, according to Wong.

“We went to court and he was never punished, so it changed the course of my career. I went to the United States Army and served for 20 years on active duty. For a long time, I endured many s — in silence, excuse the language, “said Wong.” Too afraid to speak, fearing further abuse and discrimination. “

ONE clip of his speech, posted on Twitter, then it went viral and was seen more than 2.5 million times.

“Don’t get me wrong, people love me in this community and I love them too, but there are some ignorant people who would come to me and say that I don’t look American or patriotic enough,” said Wong. before you start taking off your suit and unbuttoning your shirt. “I’m not afraid. I don’t have to live in fear.”

“Here’s my proof,” he said as he stood up with his shirt open, showing the scars. “Now, is that patriotic enough?”

“Before, I was quite inhibited. Do people look at me strangely and question my loyalty to this country?” Wong said. “The last time I read the American Constitution, we, the people, are all the same. We are the same.”

“Prejudice is hate, and that hate can be changed. We are human. We need to be kinder and kinder to each other,” added Wong.
