Ammon Bundy arrested in Idaho for not wearing a mask in court, which prevented him from attending the trial

Right-wing activist Ammon Bundy was reportedly arrested on Monday after refusing to wear a mask to enter a court, which caused him to lose his own trial and resulted in the charge of not appearing.

NBC News reported that Bundy remained in prison on Monday afternoon in lieu of a $ 10,000 bail and will continue to face charges related to his refusal to leave the Idaho state legislature last year after a hearing he was due to attend was moved.

“Mr. Bundy today refused to wear a mask to enter the court and therefore was not admitted,” a court spokesman told NBC News.

If Bundy is released, he will have to comply with state orders by requiring masks within the court or face new charges.

The 41-year-old activist was involved in several high-profile difficulties with the law, including a stalemate in 2016 between land use activists and federal officials in a wildlife reserve.

He fell out of favor with some other right-wing activists in 2018, when he broke with thePresident TrumpMorning report from Donald TrumpThe Hill – Presented by Facebook – Biden to hit the road, tout COVID-19 Oregon Senator takes center stage in the Democratic obstructionist debate Juan Williams: Trump’s jealousies can’t hide his failures MORE on the issue of immigration.

“It’s like being in a room full of people here, trying to teach, and no one is listening,” said Bundy of the right-wing “patriotic groups” movement at the time. “The vast majority seemed to cling to what appeared to be hatred, fear and almost instigation of war, and I don’t want to associate with warmakers.”
