Amazing side effects that soda has on the immune system, says science

Believe it or not, carrying too much excess weight can have a negative impact on your immune system, and drinking soda regularly can cause weight gain over time. Soda is a drink that offers what is called “empty calories”, which means that, although it costs calories, none of them offer nutritional value. In fact, the calories in the soda do the exact opposite of providing health benefits.

According to the Obesity Action Coalition, several studies have shown that obesity can impair immunity in many ways, from decreasing cytokine production to changing lymphocyte function. As Brittany Busse, MD, associate medical director at WorkCare explained in an article on melatonin and coronavirus, anti-inflammatory cytokines are necessary for proper immune function. Lymphocytes, on the other hand, are white blood cells that are part of the immune system and help fight invading viruses and toxins.

For more information, check out popular sodas that may be related to liver damage, according to Science.
