Amazing side effects that soda has on the immune system, says science

It is not news that soda is not good for you, but you may be thinking only in terms of your waistline or even your heart health. Your immune system, on the other hand, can go undetected.

Since soda is made mostly of sugar and sugar is known to weaken immune function, it is fair to say that soda can wreak havoc on the body’s ability to fight disease, correct? Below, we’ve divided just five ways that routine soda consumption can pose a threat to your immunity, and then don’t miss 15 underrated weight-loss tips that really work!

sugar cubes

Just a 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola contains 39 grams of added sugar, which can cause a range of health problems if consumed in excess – and all the time. In truth, sugar is a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses to spread throughout the body. In general, sugar also suppresses the immune system, because it restricts key cells that help keep bacteria away. So, if you want a can of Coke, make sure to limit your consumption to just once a week, if possible.

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Sick man looks at the pill bottle while coughing.

This goes for everyone, but it is an even greater concern for those who have type 2 diabetes. The sugar in the soda affects the white blood cells of the immune system, and these important cells are responsible for fighting infections. That is why white blood cells are commonly called “killer cells”. Who has type 2 diabetes is already susceptible to other serious health complications, as the adverse symptoms of COVID-19, so it is essential that they keep the consumption of non-diet soft drinks low.


Opening a can of Dr. Pepper (or two) every afternoon can not only get you between feeling energetic and lazy, but it can also increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. Routine consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages can decrease your insulin sensitivity, which is an important risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes. In addition to eliminating soft drinks from your diet, other ways to improve insulin sensitivity are by removing saturated fats found in processed foods and red meats, as well as implementing a diverse exercise routine.

fruit-flavored soft drinks in glass bottles with straws

Drinks like Sprite and Pepsi are loaded with added sugars, which can cause inflammation in the body, which can not only disrupt your immune system but it can also increase the risk of developing chronic diseases in the future. A clinical trial found that people who drank regular soda – versus those who drank diet soda, milk or just water – had higher levels of uric acid, which is known to promote inflammation and even insulin resistance (an important indicator of type diabetes two )


Believe it or not, carrying too much excess weight can have a negative impact on your immune system, and drinking soda regularly can cause weight gain over time. Soda is a drink that offers what is called “empty calories”, which means that, although it costs calories, none of them offer nutritional value. In fact, the calories in the soda do the exact opposite of providing health benefits.

According to the Obesity Action Coalition, several studies have shown that obesity can impair immunity in many ways, from decreasing cytokine production to changing lymphocyte function. As Brittany Busse, MD, associate medical director at WorkCare explained in an article on melatonin and coronavirus, anti-inflammatory cytokines are necessary for proper immune function. Lymphocytes, on the other hand, are white blood cells that are part of the immune system and help fight invading viruses and toxins.

For more information, check out popular sodas that may be related to liver damage, according to Science.
