Amanda Gorman gains two million new followers on Instagram

This is an excerpt from Please like me, BuzzFeed News newsletter on how influencers are fighting for your attention. You can sign up here.

The influencer’s economy I know of is questionable hacks for marketing and growth, like the Instagram loop offer. Most of the influencers I follow post tirelessly and strategically in the battle for people’s attention and follow. It is the mantra of this newsletter!

However, this week I was kindly reminded that a person can gain massive popularity simply by being talented and sincere.

On Wednesday, after Amanda Gorman, the first nationally awarded poet, uttered her powerful poem about a country in transition in Biden’s possession, people praised her on social media. She gained over 2 million followers on Instagram in one day. His poem, which you can read in its entirety, was not only moving, but it cut the conscience of a country in mourning and neglect.

“Somehow, we resist and witness a nation that is not broken, but simply unfinished / We, the successors of a country and a time when a skinny black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming become president / Just to find yourself reciting for one. “

Gorman, who is the youngest 22 years old to interpret a poem at a presidential inauguration, read with balance and confidence. Immediately on Twitter, Instagram and private chats, I saw people react: they were amazed, they searched for her on Google and clicked “follow” for her Twitter and Instagram accounts.

It was amazing to see how a five-minute appearance – albeit on one of the biggest national stages – viscerally captivated people. And for poetry – an art form that doesn’t usually get the public’s attention!

Gorman herself was also shocked. Later that day, in her Instagram stories, she said she was having trouble accessing her account and posting anything because of the flow of followers and the attention she was receiving.

“This is not a game. This is not a joke. I just looked up and had a million followers,” she said.

During a time when the influencer space is becoming more standard and professional – which, don’t get me wrong, is great – it’s especially refreshing to be reminded that fans are generally more compelled by ideas and thoughts than by what they see. An interesting or aspirational photo of someone or their family or favorite activity is cool and serves its unique purpose – but it is very profound. Gorman not only helped people express their emotions, but also stimulated new types of conversations in a way that poetry does so well.

I looked for Gorman, which is difficult, considering his fandom now. But maybe one day we can talk about how poets can become successful influencers without compromising their art, and how social media can be a place for cultivating emotions and ideas, as opposed to a stunt gallery.

I was very impressed and happy that a personality was able to lead with his work and words first. She didn’t have to do big promotions or push herself into the spotlight; in fact, First Lady Jill Biden reportedly saw Gorman read one of his poems at the Library of Congress and told the inauguration committee to contact her. Gorman writes beautifully and succinctly, and the attention she received for him followed.

We really love to see that.

Until next time,

