Almost a third of patients recovered from Covid return to the hospital in five months and one in eight dies

“We don’t know if it’s because Covid destroyed the beta cells that make insulin and you get type 1 diabetes, or if it causes insulin resistance and you develop type 2, but we’re seeing these amazing new diagnoses of diabetes,” he added.

“We saw studies in which the survivors underwent MRS tests and had heart and liver problems.

“These people need urgent follow-up and the need for things like aspirin and statins.”

The new study was published on a prepress server and has not yet been peer-reviewed. However, experts described the article as “important”.

Commenting on the study on Twitter, Christina Pagel, director of the clinical operational research unit at University College London, said: “This is such an important job. Covid is much more than death. A significant burden of long-term illness after Covid’s hospitalization.

Last year, researchers at the North Bristol NHS Trust found that three-quarters of patients with viruses treated at Bristol’s Southmead Hospital were still experiencing problems three months later.

Symptoms included shortness of breath, excessive fatigue and muscle pain, making it difficult for people to wash, get dressed and get back to work.
