Allegheny County exceeds 50,000 coronavirus cases, 850 deaths

Allegheny County on Saturday recorded a total of 48 hours of 1,209 new cases of coronavirus.

The authorities reported 657 cases on Christmas day and 552 cases the next day.

The report shows two days of dramatic declines from a total of 912 on Thursday. On Wednesday, 830 cases were recorded.

The county reported eight days of 1,000 or more new cases.

Six new deaths were reported on Saturday, bringing the county’s casualty to 853.

December recorded 344 – or just over 40% – of deaths related to greed in Allegheny County.

Thursday’s report included 53 deaths, a high for the week. Throughout the week, 76 deaths were recorded.

Of the recently reported deaths, two people were in their 70s; three were in their 80s and one was in their 90s.

Three deaths were associated with long-term care facilities.

The dates of the death occurred on Wednesday and Thursday.

The county had 50,859 cases of covid-19, according to data from the Allegheny County Health Department.

Of the new cases, 1,152 are confirmed, while 57 are listed as probable.

Health officials define a probable case as one in which a patient has a positive viral antigen test or suspicious symptoms with “high-risk exposure” to someone who has been confirmed to have coronavirus.

The recent batch of samples comprising 3,973 tests was collected from 18 November to Friday. Forty-eight of those positive tests were more than a week old, officials said.

The tests produced a positivity rate of about 29%. Saturday cases range in age from 1 week to 98 years, with a median of 48 years.

Twenty-one new hospitalizations were reported during the 48-hour period. Officials say 3,076 people have been hospitalized – 293 more than last week – since the virus was first reported in Allegheny County on March 14.

Over the 26 days of December, the municipality has accumulated 22,455 new cases. This accounts for 44% of Allegheny County cases.

That’s an average of 863 per day (down from an average of 910 last week) and is on track to record 26,773 (28,210 last week) cases for the month.

Throughout the month of October, the municipality registered 3,448 new cases of the virus, an increase of 72.3% in relation to September (2,001).

In November, authorities registered 12,608 new cases; an increase of almost 80% of the county’s total cases to that point.

Samson X Horne is a digital producer for Tribune-Review. You can contact Samson at 412-320-7845, [email protected] or via Twitter .

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