Alec Baldwin wishes Hilaria a happy birthday on Instagram

Alec Baldwin wished his wife Hilaria a “happy birthday” on Instagram on Wednesday.

“Happy birthday to the love of my life,” he wrote under a family photo. “For the only person in the world who brings me joy and peace every day. The person who is my home. My everything.”

Hilaria, 37, and her husband Alec, 62, welcomed their latest addition, Eduardo, just a few months ago. He joined Carmen, 7; Rafael, 5; Leonardo, 4; and Romeo, 2.

Baldwin’s post offered a glimpse of the couple’s “regular” presence on social media that they are presumably looking forward to following the huge backlash his wife faced in late 2020 for her years-long attempt to impersonate a person of heritage. Spanish .

While Baldwin’s grift was exposed on social media, the pile continued on the mainstream media, which compiled clips of Hilaria’s faltering Spanish accent and revealed that she grew up in a multi-million dollar home in Boston with her parents, Dr. Kathryn Hayward and David Thomas.

Needless to say, the Baldwins were not amused: Alec’s daughter, Ireland, came in defense of her stepmother, while Alec attacked on social media. This week, a source told “Entertainment Tonight” that the couple was “very upset” that their cultural and historical identity “are being questioned” and remain “deeply affected” by the controversy,

“Hilaria is a soft-spoken, kind, caring and loving person, and the harassment and hatred she has received on social media has been very much for her,” they added.
