Alberta Premiere: Biden disrespected America’s closest friend by canceling Keystone Pipeline

The Canadian provincial leader of Alberta attacked President Biden on Friday for his decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline almost immediately after taking office earlier this week.

Jason Kenney, a conservative whose province is one of the largest heavy oil producers in the western hemisphere, told The Story that Biden’s action was disrespectful to Canada, one of America’s closest allies.

“First of all, we congratulate President Biden on his inauguration and election and we hope to have a close and strong relationship. We have the largest bilateral trade relationship between Canada and the United States, ”began Kenney. “But most of that trade is Canadian energy exports – much of it in our province of Alberta. We have the third largest oil reserve in the world. We send about $ 100 billion in energy to the United States each year. Keystone XL would have meant a significant, safe and modern increase in that shipment. “

“It’s very – it’s very frustrating that one of the first acts of a new president was, I think, to disrespect one of America’s closest friends and allies,” he added.

Kenney noted that without the pipeline, oil must be transported to Gulf Coast refineries by truck or train, both of which are much greater sources of emissions. He added that the Biden measure kills thousands of union jobs on both sides of the US-Canada border and makes the United States more dependent on “dictatorships” for its energy needs.

With the current Keystone pipeline ending in Port Arthur, Texas, Kenney said, many of the refineries in that region are designed to process Canada’s “heavy crude” oil. Without Canadian oil, the next most reliable source of heavy oil would be the Maduro regime in Venezuela.

“I don’t see how it is in the United States’ interest,” said Kenney, who urged the Biden government to “step back here, enter into a conversation with his friend and closest ally, Canada, about how we can guarantee a future for safe energy exports, continental energy independence and security between Canada and the US, while taking climate policy and environmental policy very seriously. “


Hostess Martha MacCallum noted that Biden was scheduled to speak on Friday with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and that the topic of the pipeline will undoubtedly come up.

Kenney replied that he hopes Trudeau will discuss energy policy with Biden and that the two leaders will continue with their countries’ traditional relationship, given the “closely integrated” economy.


“There was a legally approved license [for the Keystone XL Pipeline]. The investments were made on that basis. But ultimately, Canadian energy continues to flow into the United States, “he said, reiterating the US’s hope of reward

“One thing that concerns us is the political forces that are trying to shut down a number of other safe pipelines that have been operating for decades. Therefore, I would invite our friends in the United States to realize that Canada is their friend and closest ally. re a safer energy source to fuel your economy than OPEC dictatorships. “
