Agatha Harkness ate the twins: comics about the fate of MCU

WandaVision’s shocking revelation in episode 7 could lead to the discovery that Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn) devoured the Scarlet Witch’s children.

Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn) may have eaten the Scarlet Witch’s children in WandaVision. As terrible as it is, the nature of his abilities at Marvel Comics makes this a real possibility for MCU’s character interpretation.

All over WandaVision, Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) has received visits from her neighbor, Agnes, who has helped her in many ways. Just one episode after warning Vision (Paul Bettany) about his death at the hands of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, Agnes was revealed as an antagonist who has been handling events in Westview for some time. According to her, she is actually a witch named Agatha Harkness. Exactly what Agatha wants is still unclear, but she is responsible for many of the problems that Wanda has faced lately. She sent a Quicksilver imposter to Wanda’s door and even killed Sparky, the boys’ new dog.

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At Marvel Comics, Agatha Harkness is a key supporting character on the pages of The Avengers and The fantastic four. She is most notable for serving as a magical mentor for Scarlet Witch. For a time, Wanda’s main power was the ability to alter the odds, but because he taught it by Agatha Harkness, The Avengers comic was able to develop Scarlet Witch’s skill set and turn it into a much more valuable asset for Earth’s most powerful heroes. His association with Wanda has grown stronger since then, with his character often working with Wanda as an ally. His wisdom and experience helped Wanda overcome some of his biggest struggles in comics. However, Marvel could be using it differently in the MCU. Here’s why WandaVision Agatha Harkness may have eaten Billy and Tommy, and what that would mean.

The Wanda twins disappeared on WandaVision

Kathryn Hahn as Agnes Agatha Harkness Julian Hilliard as Billy Maximoff Jett Klyne as Tommy Maximoff WandaVision

At the WandaVision episode 7, Billy and Tommy were left in Agnes’ care. Wanda went to look for them at Agnes’ house, but never found them. When Agnes revealed his true identity to Wanda at the end of the episode in his basement, Billy and Tommy were nowhere to be seen. For now, his whereabouts are still unknown. The fact that the twins were last seen with Agatha – who at least is being painted as WandaVision real villain – suggests that something sinister may have happened to them off-screen.

Agatha Harkness draws powers from other magicians

Agatha Harkness teaching Scarlet Witch

Like many wizards in the Marvel Universe, Agatha Harkness’s power is derived from other sources, rather than just the magic that resides in her own body. Agatha is able to channel the magical energy of the universe and use it as fuel for her own enchantments. As a sorceress who has lived for hundreds of years, she is aware of a wide range of spells designed to increase her magical abilities. Similar to what the Elder of Tilda Swinton was doing with the Dark Dimension in 2016 Doctor Strange, Agatha knows how to extract energy from different dimensions. Based on what was shown in Doctor Strange, it is clear that witchcraft in the MCU follows rules that are no different from those established in the comics. With that in mind, it seems reasonable that Agatha Harkness of the MCU should be able to accomplish deeds comparable to what her comic book counterpart could do.

Agatha ate her relative to become more powerful

Sorcerers and magicians are often accompanied by family members, magical beings who act as companions to their summoners. Most appear in the form of some type of animal and assist their breeder in their endeavors. Agatha’s familiar at Marvel Comics was Ebony, who looked like a black domestic cat. Ebony, who has been Agatha’s feline companion since her debut at Marvel Comics in the 1970s Fantastic Four # 94, met her end at Tom King’s Eyesight series in 2016. In order to cast a specific spell that had certain requirements, Agatha fed a special plant from Wundagore Mountain to Ebony, and then consumed the creature. This was part of a ritual that gave Agatha Harkness the power she needed to receive a vision of the future.

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Theory: Agnes ate the twins (and wants to eat Wanda)

Agatha Harkness being able to absorb the power of Ebony by eating it can provide a gloomy clue as to what happened to Billy and Tommy in WandaVision. The Disney + series has not yet given a detailed explanation of the twins’ origins, but what can be inferred from the series (and the comics) indicates that they were born of magic. In the comics, Wanda’s subconscious desire for her own children (which she couldn’t have due to the fact that Vision is a synthetoid) resulted in the use of her reality-distorting powers to generate twin boys. It was stated by Agatha that the source of the essence of Billy and Tommy’s life were fragments of the soul of the demon lord named Mephisto. The fake Quicksilver calling the MCU Billy and Tommy “demon generation”He suggested that boys can have the same origin.

Furthermore, it appears that the twins were products of the Scarlet Witch’s powers in Westview, especially since her pregnancy ended in less than an entire day. Then there is the question of your powers, your ability to grow old and Wanda’s failure to affect you with your own powers. All of these things point to the twins being magical entities. If they are composed of magical energy, they could be celebrated by Agatha Harkness, who would become stronger by consuming them. This may be how Agatha’s version of the MCU became such a powerful sorceress. It is possible that she came to Westview knowing that she would be able to increase her power by staying there. Her original target may have been Wanda herself, but she could have temporarily diverted her attention to Billy and Tommy after discovering her existence. Now that the two are out of the way, she can get a much more significant power boost by eating the Scarlet Witch.

Of course, if this is what really happened to Billy and Tommy, it would be a terrible fate. But at the same time, it would go well with the sad ending that Marvel Comics gave to this story in the 1980s. Scarlet Witch was devastated when her two children disappeared, having been brought back to Mephisto’s soul. Only years later were the boys reborn as teen superheroes Wiccan and Speed. It is possible that WandaVision you can let the MCU go in that direction too if you kill Agatha Harkness. If she absorbed them, her death could free their souls and allow them to reincarnate later for a Young Avengers story.

More: Agnes’ house bug explained: how it triggers WandaVision’s villainous plan

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