Afterlife Reveals New Slimer-Esque Blue Ghost

Get ready to ride.

Get ready to ride.
Print Screen: Sony Pictures

Morning spoilersIf there are news about upcoming films and television that you shouldn’t know about, you will find them here.

Disney’s Peter Pan and Wendy found your Mr. Smee. Godzilla is lurking in new Godzilla vs. Kong art. From Dusk Till Dawn is receiving an animated addition. Also, take a look at Syfy Inhabitant of another planet. For me, my spoilers!

Illustration for the article entitled A new look at iGhostbusters: life after death / i comes in the form of a very strange ghost

Peter Pan and Wendy

According to a new The wrap, Jim Gaffigan was cast as Mr. Smee at Disney’s Peter Pan and Wendy.

Five eyes

Deadline reports that Josh Hartnett will star opposite Jason Statham in Guy Ritchie’s latest MI5 spy thriller, Five eyes.

Ghostbusters: life after death

A recent episode from Spain MasterChef Junior revealed Muncher, a blue entity similar to Slimer with the body of tardigrade and the face of an old man set to appear in Ghostbusters: life after death. The video has already been retired, but go to /Movie for a peek in monstrosity.

Godzilla vs Kong

Legendary also released a new teaser poster for Godzilla vs Kong, before a new trailer opening on Sunday, January 24th.

Wrong curve

The trees have eyes in the final trailer for Wrong curve restart.

Bad Cupid

John Rhys-Davies plays the God of Love in the trailer for Bad Cupid, available on VOD February 12th.

From Dusk Till Dawn: The Animated Series

In a recent interview with SFX Magazine – via (Game radar) —Robert Rodriguez revealed a From Dusk Till Dawn animated series is now in development.

We did three seasons of that [live-action television series]. And now we’re looking, we’re developing a cartoon Twilight until dawn.

Inhabitant of another planet

Finally, Syfy released a surprise teaser for Inhabitant of another planet during the NFL playoff game on Saturday, as well as a new message from Alan Tudyk himself.

Banner art by Jim Cook
