Africa announces the start of the free trade pact after years of negotiations


Photographer: Issue Sanogo / AFP / Getty Images

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The first products will begin to flow under a free trade pact for all of Africa on Friday, the culmination of more than five years of negotiations on cutting international tariffs.

The deal comes at a time when trade tensions are increasing in much of the rest of the world. The African Union of 55 nations marked the occasion in a ceremony that took place just hours after the United Kingdom left the European Union’s single market and a new post-Brexit trade agreement entered into force.

It is “a day when we take Africa one step closer to a vision of an integrated Africa, a vision of an integrated market on the African continent,” said Wamkele Mene, secretary general of the African Continental Free Trade Area, during the event .

The treaty aims to reduce or eliminate cross-border tariffs on most goods, facilitate the movement of capital and people, promote investment and pave the way for a continental customs union. The bloc has a potential market of 1.2 billion people with a combined gross domestic product of $ 2.5 trillion and could be the largest free trade area in the world by area when the treaty becomes fully operational in 2030.

The deal will help the continent recover from the “devastating impact” of the coronavirus pandemic, said South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who holds the rotating AU presidency.
