Adam Schefter on Carson Wentz: “If I had to guess, I think he is negotiated”

The notion that Carson Wentz does not want to return to the Philadelphia Eagles in 2021 is only growing.

COONEY: Schefty, I have to ask you about this Jared Goff exchange that we just saw happening, with him going to Lions. Is there anything we can take from that that makes the Carson Wentz deal more … I don’t mean more possible, more likely?

SCHEFTER: No, it is not more likely. Because they will not trade it unless they get the fair value back. And what I would say is that the point is that the Eagles are going to want a strong compensation for a guy who a few years ago could have won the NFL MVP. They all want a strong conversation. And let me say this: that they are going to listen, absolutely listen. And if a team makes the right offer, there will be an exchange. But if a team doesn’t make the right offer, I think they’ll be open to bringing him back and having him competing at camp with Jalen Hurts. So, for me, it could be anyway.

KINCADE: We talked several times, Adam, about the idea that he hasn’t yet. Or not even released a statement. At this point, now that the new coach –

SCHEFTER: Well, that says something to you.

KINCADE: It’s true! This tells me that the franchise leader, the guy who should be the face of the franchise, is somehow disconnected from the franchise.

SCHEFTER: And you want to leave the franchise. OK? And that is why trade is still at stake. And, again, people wonder where this material came from at the end of the year. Was made [up]? This is all real. None of this is made up. And just because he would like to be moved or not commented, does not mean that he will be. If I had to guess, I think it is negotiated. That would be my guess. At some point in this off-season. But then again, they don’t want to get rid of it. They are not.

LYNCH: So, Adam, on that front, we have a little indication of the market with the Stafford-Goff exchange, not a full picture, obviously. So, in your best estimate, what is your choice about what the Eagles would consider in the fair value gambling park?

SCHEFTER: That’s a great question. I would say – and I don’t know that, but just right away – I think it would be at least a first round choice. A minimum. And of course they will want more. They may want two choices in the first round, as far as I know. I want to be very clear. I would say that they want, at the very least, a first round choice. And that’s the problem, if you are a team that is thinking about negotiating [for him], are you willing to give up one? One more? Are you willing to do that for Carson Wentz? You tell me.

KINCADE: I don’t know if people would line up to do that. But, Adam, I know that. When you talk to people in the NFL, and in circles, and you’re just talking and the name comes up. Indy is where we always hear that there is a connection with Frank Reich and the Indianapolis Colts, which makes perfect sense. Can you tell me about another franchise or any other franchise whose name appears when the name Carson Wentz appears?

SCHEFTER: I would like to know that, John, because I think there is more.

KINCADE: Okay, so you’re not hearing any specific names. Any franchise.

SCHEFTER: Well, let me say that. I have my own polite opinion. I won’t guess because I don’t know. But I have some ideas from teams that may be potentially interested. But I do not know.
