Abbas announces first Palestinian elections in 15 years

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas issued a decree on Friday announcing the dates of the parliamentary and presidential elections in the Palestinian Authority.

Why it matters: It is the first time in 15 years that such a decree has been published. The last presidential elections took place in 2005, with Abbas ‘victory, and the last parliamentary elections took place in 2006, with Hamas’ victory.

Driving the news: Parliamentary elections are scheduled for May 22 and presidential elections for July 31 – although those plans may still fail.

  • Abbas met with the president of the central electoral committee today and instructed him to make preparations for elections in the West Bank, the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and Israel-controlled East Jerusalem.
  • Last week, the head of Hamas’ political cabinet, Ismail Haniyeh, told Abbas in a letter that the movement would agree to hold elections as part of a national reconciliation process.

Flashback: After Hamas won the 2006 elections, the Palestinian Authority deteriorated into a deep political crisis between Hamas and Fatah, Abbas’s party.

  • The United States and other world powers have announced that they will not cooperate with Hamas until it recognizes Israel, denounces terrorism and commits to previous agreements with Israel.
  • Hamas has refused to adhere to these conditions and continues to reject them today. The United States, United Kingdom, EU and other Western governments still boycott Hamas, and the United States designates the group as a terrorist organization.
  • In 2007, a civil war broke out in the Gaza Strip and Hamas took the area by force.

The big picture: Abbas’ announcement came after several failed attempts at reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas, and after several plans to hold elections have failed.

  • Abbas, who is 85 years old and 15 years old from his four-year term, is not very popular. Recent public opinion polls indicate that he could lose to a Hamas candidate.

What is the next: Many analysts are skeptical about whether this election will actually take place.

  • One of the main stumbling blocks is East Jerusalem. If Israel does not allow voting there, the election may be canceled.
