Aadhar seeded mobile device needed for Covid vaccine

New Delhi: A week before India began its vaccination campaign against Covid-19, central government officials guided administrators in the states and territories of the Union in managing the Co-WIN software. States were advised to sow the cell numbers of all beneficiaries of the vaccine with Aadhaar for registration and SMS communications and to ensure that there are no prosecutors in this process, since the beneficiaries need to be uniquely identified.

“There can be no proxy for Aadhaar authentication. It is extremely important to clearly identify the person being vaccinated and keep a digital record of who was vaccinated by whom, when and which vaccine, ”said Ram Sewak Sharma, president of the Empowered Group in Technology and Data Management to combat Covid-19, and member of the National Vaccine Administration Specialists Group at Covid-19. He also informed states and UTs that data collection should serve the purpose of facilitating the work and that it needs to be validated at the field level.

Meanwhile, the total number of people infected with the new UK coronavirus strain remains 90, with no addition in the past 24 hours. A sustained decline in the number of daily deaths is also seen, as daily deaths have remained below 300 in the past 16 days. The total number of Covid-19 cases so far in India is over 1.04 crore, while deaths are over 1.51 lakh. In the last 24 hours, 18,645 new cases and 201 more deaths were recorded.

Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan tweeted on Sunday that vaccines against Covid-19 are safe and effective and will be available in stages. He added that beneficiaries will have to register for vaccination and that people should continue to maintain social distance and wear masks, and follow all other protocols, even after vaccination.
