A new Chilling Adventures of Sabrina shows Sabrina to new antics with her friend, Sabrina

Illustration for the article entitled A new iChilling Adventures of Sabrina / i finds Sabrina doing new antics with her friend, Sabrina

Image: Netflix

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For a girl who has spent a lot of time getting involved with the real Lucifer, Sabrina begins part four of Sabrina’s chilling adventures stuck in a very familiar dilemma: she is distancing herself from her high school friends. After three seasons of hopscotch back and forth between his Hell-based life and his mortal life, some distance has come between them. Worse, they are all in relationships now, which makes it even stranger.

Of course, the difference between this happening to a normal girl and this happening to Sabrina is that she has superpowers. Imagine how much more chaotic your adolescence would have been if you had cosmic powers at your fingertips to twist reality to your liking. The first of her efforts to fix her life goes well and then goes wrong, as her friends are eager to help her banish a ghost, but then Roz finds out what she did and brutally tells her to stop because her friendship has changed. . No problem – Sabrina can simply bend reality and go out with the one person who would never leave her: herself.

It is a comically disproportionate response to her problem, but understandable as a much better solution than the usual advice for lonely teenagers, which, in my memory, is a tedious thing like “joining a new club”. Sabrina has always had an egocentric side and an interest in finding easy answers to complicated problems, such as when she eliminated the complicated feelings that she and Harvey had for each other. And who wouldn’t be tempted to solve problems that way? And for all the challenges she faced, she always came out victorious, giving her some deserved, though reckless, confidence that, whatever happens to Sabrina Morningstar, they will be able to handle it, even if, for Ambrose, the danger is the literal collapse of reality.

Overall, it is one of the most relatable dilemmas she faced in the program, which serves as a good balance for the last Big Bad she’s facing, and in which Father Blackwood seems very interested. The advantage is that, after a long period of these adventures, Sabrina and Cia have much more resources to face the challenges. Despite their differences, she and Ambrose quickly struggle to deal with the invader Eldritch Dark, with Nick even offering to work with his mortal friends to take care of one part of the problem, and Prudence leading the clan in another. Inevitably, everything starts to go wrong before they can fix things, but with the promise that more supernatural terrors are on the way.

As we embark on this final batch of CHAOS episodes, the premiere is a good setting for what’s to come: a battle against Father Blackwood (again), a dangerous and selfish secret for Sabrina, and a mysterious enemy. In addition, to accompany our duo Sabrinas, we now have two Mary Wardwells, which should cause nothing but good vibes for the Spellman family. Frankly, if the real Mary decides to burn everything right now, it will be hard to blame her, considering all things.

Missed observations

  • There are some weird editing choices in the episode, like when Sabrina is suddenly in the library with Nick and Ambrose, or when the introduction to the discussion about “old Gus” death is Theo saying he is “super weird”, which is a strangely insensitive thing for him to say about a person’s death.
  • I am not a supernatural villain, but it seems to me that blowing up each lamp individually is not an effective way to turn off all the lights. And now there are broken glass everywhere!
  • I haven’t heard a phrase that was so obviously written before the pandemic for some time, like “Why do attackers always hide behind masks”.
  • A twist I really liked: once Sabrina invited the two guys, I figured Morningstar would stay on Earth, but it turned out that Spellman called them both. Have fun, Spellman.
  • Although why does she just want to watch movie marathons with these guys? It is A LOT of time to book a first date with someone. I wrote “OK, what’s wrong with Carl” after he first appeared.
  • Lilith immediately seems to notice that something is going on with Sabrina on her 900th consecutive graduation night, but as she always wants to rule hell anyway, maybe that doesn’t matter?
