a lost year, but now some hope

CINCINNATI (AP) – No pajama parties with popcorn and Disney movies. No dance recitals or parties, let alone Grandparents’ Day to visit the children’s classrooms.

No hugs.

The first 12 months of the pandemic represent a lost year for many in the largest group of grandparents in the history of the United States. Most of the country’s nearly 70 million grandparents are in their fourth quarter of life, and the clock keeps ticking.

“Working with older adults, I’m seeing a lot of depression, a lot of increases in loneliness,” says Nick Nicholson, a professor of nursing and an aging researcher at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut. “It has been very difficult … anxiety, despair, social isolation. Over time, there are many adverse effects. The sooner we expand the bubble, the better, so that people can begin to heal together. “

The Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Last week offered some initial steps for Year 2, saying that fully vaccinated grandparents could visit a single home with healthy children and grandchildren without masks or other special precautions.

Doris Rolark blew air kisses to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren wearing masks when they left gifts for her 78th birthday last month. She resumed hugs last week after the CDC guidelines were announced.

“It was great. I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of them,” says the woman from Middletown, Ohio, who has three grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. “I hope you’re better now.”

Joe and Nancy Peters invited one of their 11 grandchildren to visit last week, when they began to “return to normal with caution,” he says. Both educators retired in their 70s, they were accustomed to becoming heavily involved with their grandchildren, all living close to them in the suburb of Cincinnati, before the pandemic and its security restrictions arrived.

It was especially difficult to waste time with the youngest.

“They are 3, 4 and 5 years old and a year has passed,” says Nancy Peters. “They changed a lot … and Amelia said to her mother every day: ‘I’m going to sleep at Grandma’s when the coronavirus is over.’

“And now she is no longer 3,” she says.

Both Peters and Rolark have been fully vaccinated, as the rate of vaccines has increased nationally in recent weeks, with about 60% of people aged 65 and over receiving at least one dose so far. But the CDC reports that only 10% of the population as a whole has been fully vaccinated and points out that vulnerability increases with age. The CDC says that eight out of 10 people who died of the virus in the United States were 65 or older.

Nicholson says that while some older adults are “just breaking down the door to leave” after a year of isolation, others remain apprehensive about variant strains and other unknowns ahead.

“They ask themselves: is it safe?” he says.


Joaniko Kohchi, who runs the Fatherhood Institute at Adelphi University in Garden City, New York, says grandparents and other family members need to be cautious when trying to return to something that is normal.

“There will undoubtedly be an adjustment period that will continue; planning and flexibility are very important, ”she says.

Also unknown: how much older adults were hurt not only emotionally, but mentally for losing personal contacts and other activities outside the home for a year.

“I think seeing the same two or three people all the time can be very difficult,” says Arman Ramnath, whose Indian grandmother Vijaya Ramnath, 94, has lived with his parents in Columbus, Ohio, since before he was born. “It ages you faster.”

While many grandparents keep in touch by phone, text and video chat, others do not have access or the ability to use this technology. A study carried out in September and last October found resilience among older Americans, but also signs of trouble, with many reporting decreased happiness and some reporting increased loneliness and depression coming into winter.

When the weather was fine, the Peters continued and received many visits in the garage, including an individual dance recital for them by a granddaughter. They attended dozens of outdoor events, such as baseball and football games last year, but were unable to attend their grandchildren’s indoor basketball games.

“It’s been very difficult,” says Joe Peters, who reports on Saturdays going to the gym in previous years, when they played up to eight children’s basketball games in one day.

Many grandparents actively help their children taking care of babies and at school or day care, so pandemic barriers against it have created a “lost loss” situation for families, says Nicholson.

Rolark, from Middletown, Ohio, has always been active with offspring. She raised three children as a single divorced woman, and two of her great-grandchildren lived with her during high school. During the pandemic, her progeny rewarded her for all those years of her livelihood, when she also worked in a full-time office at a steel company.

“I couldn’t have survived without them,” says Rolark, who says great-grandson Amarius Gates kept his garage clean during the winter, while granddaughter Davonne Calhoun and others in her large family took care of small chores and helped with household chores .


Nursing homes and other assisted care facilities also faced challenges in keeping grandparents connected, as many contact visits were interrupted due to concerns about the spread of the virus. “It’s been lonely,” said Deb McGlinch, a patient at the Versailles Health and Rehabilitation Center in western Ohio.

She was used to the frequent visits of her granddaughter, Kortaney Cattell, 20, to play cards like Uno with her. She managed to make video calls with Kortaney and seven other grandchildren, but lost her card games. They recently resumed friendly distance competition with a virtual slot game.

McGlinch says that instead of just exchanging small talk over the phone, now “we can have fun”.

One in ten American grandparents now lives in the same house with at least one grandchild. In some Asian cultures, this has been common for a long time. In Ramnath’s family, his Indian-born maternal grandmother, Saroja Seetharaman, alternates between her three children and six grandchildren in Dallas, Atlanta and her home in Columbus.

Ramanth, 27, is nervous about approaching his older grandmother, Vijaya, especially when he has just returned from Washington, where he is a student at Georgetown University Law School. He is studying remotely, but sometimes he must visit the school to pick up books.

Like grandparents who mourn the time wasted with their growing grandchildren, grandchildren can feel bad about the missed opportunities with their aging loved ones.

Ramanth would have liked to spend time with her last year, learning more about family history. She once met Mohandas K. Gandhi, the famous Indian leader and advocate for nonviolence. She attended a tea offered by Queen Elizabeth II. And he saw pictures of her late husband, a high-ranking officer in the Indian Navy, with the late Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

“This is a time when I wish I could talk to her more about her life as she gets older,” says Ramanth, who hopes to have more contact soon, now that she has been fully vaccinated. “Sometimes it can be a little sad. You can’t spend a lot of time with someone, even if they are living with you. “


Dan Sewell, AP correspondent in Cincinnati, and his wife Vickii have nine grandchildren. Follow him on Twitter at https://www.twitter.com/dansewell
