975 new COVID-19 cases reported; 11 confirmed deaths

SANTO ANTÓNIO – As the end of the year draws near, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg confirmed 975 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday night.

In Bexar County, there are now 114,362 total cases of COVID-19 and 1,521 total deaths in Bexar County, an increase of 43 new cases as of Tuesday. Eleven new deaths linked to COVID-19 were reported on Tuesday.

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The mayor also updated the COVID-19 count on Monday, as the city was unable to download data for the state’s COVID-19 case on Sunday. Nirenberg now says that 1,126 cases were confirmed on Monday.

The 7-day moving average of the cases is 1,165.

City officials also reported that 1,116 patients are hospitalized, 314 are in the intensive care unit and 170 are on ventilators. There are 13% beds with staff and 52% fans available. The day before, Bexar County hospitals had 157 new admissions related to COVID-19, said Nirenberg.


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