8 tips for finding a COVID-19 vaccine

While the Biden administration is working to increase the COVID-19 vaccination by increasing its supply by another 200 million doses, the mix of state-specific rules on who can get an injection now and how to sign up has left many struggling for clarity and help.

So far, only about 21 million Americans have received at least one dose, leaving more than 300 million people in the United States unvaccinated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that vaccines, free for all Americans, are one of the main tools to help end the pandemic.

Under Trump’s administration, vaccine distribution started off slow and states received fewer doses than they expected. And while the CDC offered guidelines for who should be prioritized for a vaccine, each individual state has developed its own plan, so exactly where you end up on your state’s priority list will vary. Many states are beginning to vaccinate frontline workers and the elderly, but guidance is also being updated frequently.

If you want an injection, but don’t know where to start, PBS NewsHour has put together some advice on how best to secure a vaccine. In general, be prepared to do your research and be patient.

1. Experiment with different sources and locations to see if the vaccine is available.

There is no single central source where you must go to get the vaccine, although some regions have established mass vaccination sites. For some with time and access to transportation, it may be worth driving further to get the vaccine as well. Verify that vaccines are being administered by:

  • Your primary care doctor
  • Local pharmacies and supermarkets
  • Your local health department – depending on where you live, it may be in the city or county.
  • Your state’s health department

2. Read all the documentation online.

Your state, county, city and healthcare systems should have information about your vaccination processes on their official websites and social media accounts. Keep checking this regularly, as locations are always changing their orientations.

3. Apply wherever you qualify

Some states have not opened registrations for the general public, focusing instead on implanting the vaccine in specific facilities or communities. But for the states where you can register, it makes sense to launch a comprehensive network with all the health systems available in your area, in the hope of receiving notifications about vaccine provision in your area. For example, a hospital system affiliated with a university or private health network can share updates on vaccine availability.

4. Have all your information at hand.

If you are scheduling an appointment online or over the phone, you don’t want to waste time looking for your medical history or insurance information or locating your identity. Here are some other factors that you may want to raise:

  • The COVID-19 vaccine is supposed to be free, but check with your provider and insurance company if there are any administrative charges for care.
  • Inform your vaccine supplier if you have had an allergic reaction to other vaccines in the past. The CDC recommends that if you have a history of allergic reactions, are not related vaccines or injectable drugs, you should still be vaccinated.
  • If you are receiving the vaccine as part of a priority community in your state, it is a good idea to ask your doctor if you need a grade to prove pre-existing illnesses, said Dr. Panagis Galiatsatos, a physician in pulmonary medicine and intensive at Johns Hopkins Medicine.

5. Be flexible about time.

Although we all have logistical challenges to reconcile work and home commitments, you should try to schedule any available time and date that are offered to you. This is the largest vaccination campaign in the history of the United States and there are millions like you waiting. In some parts of the country, appointment blocks are being booked in seconds. “Demand is huge and supply is limited,” said Galiatsatos. “Because of this imbalance, you will probably have access to these vaccines potentially at inconvenient times and moments. So, if you can be flexible – if that is an allowance for you – then I would advise you. “

6. Be patient.

The distribution of vaccines should only improve in the coming months. In addition to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that are already approved for emergency use, candidates from AstraZeneca, Novavax and Johnson & Johnson are advancing in the development process and may eventually increase the national stock. Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and professor of public health at George Washington University who also volunteered in the Johnson & Johnson clinical trial, advises Americans to remain patient. “I understand that this is very difficult and many people are looking forward to receiving the vaccine now,” said Wen. “But I would also like to ask everyone a little more patience, because vaccinations are increasing and things [with the vaccine] will continue to improve week after week. “

7. Don’t risk your health by looking for a vaccine in person.

While we are all hearing anecdotal stories of people making fun of leftover vaccines or rushing when someone misses their appointment, it is not always a smart strategy to wait for extra dosages in person – especially if it is indoors with others in a confined space. This can be counterproductive to your health. “I worry about the potential for infection,” said Wen. “How tragic would it be if you contracted the coronavirus … while trying to get a dose of the vaccine?”

8. If you are able, help others.

Share information with friends, family and neighbors and let people know if there are vaccine vacancies. Ask how people made commitments and share accurate information in their own community. “This is really a time when we all need to come together to potentially fill any gaps that others may have,” said Galiatsatos. “If there is a technological gap – due to access or technology literacy – then call your neighbor, call your grandchild or so on to help you. We all need to come together for this pandemic. “

READ MORE: Frequently asked questions about the essential COVID-19 vaccine

As the pandemic continues, health experts advise Americans to continue taking other precautions as well, especially amid news that new variants of the virus can be transmitted more easily.

“I know that everyone is focused on vaccines,” said Wen. “But we also know what it takes to prevent it from spreading. So, please, don’t forget about masking, avoiding internal meetings and physical distance. “
