752 new COVID cases reported as 7-day average continues to fall


MADISON, Wisconsin – COVID-19 cases in Wisconsin fell on Friday count, according to the state Department of Health Services.

Health officials confirmed 752 new cases on Saturday, down from 938 cases on Friday. The seven-day average of new cases per day also continued at a decline, with an average of Saturday in 806.

The state reached a lifetime total of 554,800 confirmed cases, and almost 2.1% of cases are active.

DHS officials said 940,205 doses of the vaccine were administered to Wisconsin residents, while 232,178 people have completely completed the vaccine series.

The seven-day positivity rate for total tests per day increased slightly to 3.4%.

At least 6,161 people died of coronavirus complications, with 10 new deaths confirmed on Saturday. Another 71 were also hospitalized the day before.

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