7 die in a Spanish nursing home after receiving the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, as ALL residents test positive for viruses, second doses are yet to come – RT World News

All 78 residents of a nursing home in central Spain tested positive for Covid-19 after receiving their first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and at least seven people died, the team confirmed on Monday.

Most of the people who succumbed to the virus had existing illnesses, according to the Spanish news agency EFE, while four residents are hospitalized and 12 employees have also been infected.

The big outbreak is at the Lagartera Senior Citizens’ Residence, in the Toledo area, southwest of the capital Madrid.

The 33 employees in the house must now present a negative PCR test before they start work, and a spokesman said health measures to stem the spread of the virus are in place. “In all moments.”

“On January 13, all residents, including the nursing home staff, were vaccinated with the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, and after six days, the first symptoms began to appear in ten of the residents.” said in a statement.

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Some employees began to fall ill with the virus five days after being inoculated.

On January 21, the administration approved the decision to test all residents of the home and quarantine them in their rooms, with families informed of the move.

The results of the test, on January 25, showed that all residents had contracted the virus except one, who also tested positive at a later date.

In December, Spain’s Supreme Court ordered an investigation into deaths in nursing homes, which were a worrying feature of the pandemic’s start, accounting for 69 percent of all Covid-19 fatalities between April 6 and June 20.

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The Lagartera Senior Citizens’ Residence insisted that the current outbreak was the first of the pandemic, having remained virus-free during the first two waves of infections.

The next doses of the vaccine are due to be administered at home on 3 February, and the next round of CRP tests will be carried out on 5 February.

Across Spain, almost 1.5 million people have been injected with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

More than 58,000 people died of Covid-19 in Spain and the country recorded more than 2.7 million cases of the virus in total.

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