7-day average of new COVID-19 cases breaks dismal record

SANTO ANTÓNIO – San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg updated the community on the local response to COVID-19 in his daily briefing on Friday night.

Nirenberg reported 143,503 total cases of COVID-19 and 1,710 total deaths in Bexar County, an increase of 2,889 new cases. Six virus-related deaths were confirmed on Friday.

The 7-day moving average of cases is 2,041, a significant increase and the largest since the beginning of the pandemic, said Nirenberg.

Although these numbers are cause for concern, Nirenberg said the hospitalization numbers continued to show a slight improvement.

City officials said 1,387 patients were hospitalized, 20 fewer than on Thursday. Intensive care units registered 403 patients, an increase of 382. Of those patients, 243 are on ventilators, compared to 231 on Thursday.

There are 10% of beds available and 53% of fans available.

Authorities continued to ask for patients from the public as they work with the distribution of vaccine doses in the limited consignments they receive. Until then, they recommended that the public continue to practice good social distancing efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus.


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