50 vials of Moderna vaccine thrown at Grafton clinic due to ‘human error’, says lawyer Aurora

Dozens of vials of the Modern COVID-19 vaccine had to be thrown away due to “human error”, Aurora Health Care officials said.

Aurora Health lawyer officials said the incident happened over the weekend when an employee removed the jars from the Grafton clinic refrigerator to access something else and did not return them.

“We learned that about 50 vials of Moderna vaccine were inadvertently removed from a pharmacy refrigerator overnight,” said a spokesman. “Although part of the vaccine was administered to team members on December 26 within the approved 12-hour post-refrigeration window, unfortunately, most of it had to be discarded due to the storage temperature requirements necessary to maintain its viability. “

The health system said 17,000 staff members had been vaccinated in the past 12 days.

“We are clearly disappointed and we are sorry that this has happened,” said a spokesman.

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