5 things to know for February 26: Covid-19, stimulus, Syria, Saudi Arabia, gymnastics

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1. Coronavirus

2. Stimulus

The Senate congressman decided against including the proposed minimum wage increase in the coronavirus stimulus bill, saying it would violate the budget process known as reconciliation that Democrats are using to move the measure forward. This is a blow to progressives, but it means that there is less division over the bill now and it could be easier to pass the Senate. The House is expected to approve the $ 1.9 trillion bill today. Anyone interested in actually crossing the finish line wants this to happen before March 14, when federal unemployment benefits will expire.

3. Syria

The US military carried out air strikes at a location in Syria used by two militia groups supported by Iran. The attacks mark the first known action by the US military under Biden’s command and were in response to rocket attacks against American forces. in the region in the past two weeks. A February 15 rocket attack on coalition forces near Iraqi Kurdistan’s Erbil International Airport killed one civilian contractor and wounded nine others; Iran has denied involvement in the attack. The US attacks come as Washington and Tehran take a stand for negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program, potentially complicating an already fragile process.

4. Saudi Arabia

At any time, the Biden government will release a long-awaited US intelligence report on the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The report is expected to further implicate Saudi Arabia’s powerful crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, in the death of the Washington Post columnist. Biden spoke to Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud on the phone yesterday, suggesting the report’s imminent release. Both sides said the call, which did not mention Khashoggi by name, went well. Democratic lawmakers are expected to introduce legislation today to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for Khashoggi’s death, but for the White House it is a delicate balance. Saudi Arabia is an ally of the U.S., with close ties to former President Trump, and Biden is interested in reviewing expectations in the relationship between the two countries.

5. US Gymnastics

John Geddert, who coached the United States Olympic women’s gymnastics team in 2012, killed himself yesterday after being accused of 24 crimes related to the abuse of young gymnasts. The 63-year-old man was facing charges that included human trafficking and criminal sexual conduct, and was due to surrender yesterday afternoon. Geddert was the former owner of Michigan’s famous Twistars Gymnastics Club, one of the places where Larry Nassar, the wretched former gymnastics doctor, admitted to sexually abusing young athletes. Geddert also supported Nassar, who in 2018 was sentenced to 175 years for decades of abuse. Sarah Klein, who identified herself as the first to be abused by Nassar, said that Geddert’s suicide is an “escape from justice”.


Twitter is considering allowing users to pay to subscribe to accounts they like

It’s hard to imagine liking anyone a lot on Twitter, but that’s okay.

The Golden Globe is this weekend

Wear your sophisticated watching TV slippers for the start of the award season.

Mr. Potato Head is abandoning ‘Mr.’ and ‘lady’ in favor of gender neutrality

We are all potato heads.

PepsiCo knows that everyone is drinking cocktails at home. So, he’s launching a drink mixer

Anything is a mixer if you commit to it.

The eating habits of hungry teenage dinosaurs can tell us a lot about the diversity of dinosaurs

“Moooom, we are out of hadrosaurs again!”


February is the month of black history, and every day we highlight black pioneers in American history. Find out more here.

Bayard Rustin, activist, 1912-1987

An admittedly gay black man during the Jim Crow era, Rustin faced prejudice even within the civil rights movement. Still, it was he who convinced Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to adopt non-violence as a protest tactic. Rustin’s greatest achievement was organizing the March in Washington, which brought more than 200,000 peaceful protesters of different races and religions to the nation’s capital in 1963. Rustin also became more outspoken about his sexuality later in life and was hailed as a hero LGBTQ.



That is the number of electric cars that Hyundai is recalling to replace its batteries after 15 reports of fires involving the vehicles. Although the number of cars involved is relatively small, the recall is still one of the most expensive in history.


“If they are not going to take the children and the children keep coming, what should we do?”

ONE Homeland Security Officer, who told CNN that concern is growing as an increasing number of unaccompanied children reach the southern border of the United States. Shelter capacities are limited due to coronavirus restrictions, leaving feds struggling to find space to shelter them.


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How 3D puzzles are made

Okay folks, it’s weekend. Time to party! And by party, we mean to settle down with a puzzle and a cup of tea or something. (Click here to view.)
