26 years in prison for alleged involvement in the Capitol riot

Agents arrested Edward Jacob Lang from Tusten, New York, on Saturday afternoon, the source said.

“Decisions and consequences. Edward Lang is in custody for the ones he made during the attack on our Capitol,” said New York City FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. in the statement.

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“Special agents and FBI officials have sworn to support and defend our nation’s constitution. We will continue to track and hold those who attempt to violently subvert it,” added Sweeney, without providing any further details about the prison.

It is unclear whether Lang has obtained legal representation and attempts to contact his family have been unsuccessful.

Lang is due to appear in White Plains federal court on Tuesday for his first appearance, said a spokesman for the District Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

Federal officials told reporters on Friday that investigators opened 275 criminal cases and charged about 98 people in connection with the January 6 riot by supporters of President Donald Trump on Capitol Hill.
Investigators have been chasing thousands of leads in an effort to prosecute those involved in last week’s riot and to try to avoid the dreaded subsequent attacks in Washington, DC, and across the country.
