25 years later, Space Jam has a new website – and the first trailer for the sequel

Since 1996, spacejam.com has been a time capsule of the Internet like few others in existence – a prime example of the beginning of the World Wide Web and all of the most advanced multimedia offerings available at the time, such as animated GIFs and Windows 95 screensavers. But, 25 years later, it was finally supplanted; the new sequel Space Jam: a new legacy, starring LeBron James, took the URL to show the first trailer for the new film.

This is what spacejam.com looks like today:

But before you boycott the sequence, you should probably know that the original Space Jam the site has not yet died. In fact, it’s just a click away at spacejam.com/1996, and the new website allows the original Space Jam logo (in the upper right corner) to go back in time again.

Here’s that new trailer for the LeBron James version – featuring a LeBron James design and enhanced CGI versions from the Looney Toons team as well. It looks like they are going to invade the real world once again!

LeBron will search Google for the original Space Jam website in the movie (or, perhaps, Daffy or Bugs would comment that it’s still there?) I think it’s a safe bet. It will arrive on July 16 in theaters and on HBO Max simultaneously.
