2021 16-inch MacBook Pro with miniLED screen: supply chain

A new supply chain report says that we can expect to see a 16-inch MacBook Pro 2021 with a miniLED screen. This is consistent with a recent report by the famous Apple analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo.

Kuo said just over a month ago that we can expect to see two MacBook Pro models with a completely new shape, as well as miniLED backlighting …


As a reminder, miniLED should not be confused with microLED, which is a completely new form of display that is expected to start replacing OLED at some later time.

MiniLED, in contrast, is a new form of backlighting for LCD screens used in current MacBook models. It uses a lot more smaller LEDs to provide the backlight – probably around 10,000 for a MacBook screen – allowing different areas of the screen to be lit differently. This facilitates brighter colors, deeper blacks and greater energy efficiency.

Kuo’s predictions for miniLED products date back to April 2019, when he said we could expect to see the technology used in a new iPad and new MacBook in late 2020 or early 2021. He also indicated that Apple was working on a 31.6-inch 6K monitor later that year – a prediction that didn’t materialize.

Subsequently, Kuo estimated that the technology would be used on a significant number of iPads and MacBooks.

Kuo’s latest investment note suggests that about 30-40% of iPads and 20-30% of MacBooks will now use miniLED backlight. This will take the technology to a wider range of models.

The analyst is basing this estimate on Apple’s arrival at a second miniLED chip supplier next year. […] Having two suppliers increases competition, which means that Apple will be able to negotiate cheaper prices, making the technology accessible on more models. Kuo estimates that the cost for Apple will drop from $ 75-85 per unit to “less than $ 45”.

2021 16-inch MacBook Pro with miniLED

Digitimes today cites a source in the supply chain when reporting that one of them will be a new version of the 16-inch MacBook Pro.

Apple is planning to adopt miniLED monitors for its new iPads and MacBook Pros in 2021, while Samsung Electronics is expected to launch a miniLED tablet and Micro-Star International (MSI) a miniLED notebook, according to upstream supply chain sources. […]

Sources expect the 11-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pros and Apple’s 16-inch MacBook Pro to be launched in 2021 and equipped with miniLED monitors and the adoption of miniLED will be expanded to their MacBook Air products in 2022.

Of course, it is obvious that the next 16-inch MacBook Pro will be powered by Apple Silicon, be it an M1 chip or a later variant. It is also almost certain that we can expect finer bezels.

A combination of Apple Silicon, better screen and new design would be an attractive update for many, including me.

MacBook Pro concept image: Viktor Kádár

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