2.3 million people voted in the second round of the Georgia Senate the following week

More than 2.3 million people voted in decisive contests for the Georgia Senate, with about a week to go until election day on January 5.

Georgia GOP Sens. Kelly LoefflerKelly LoefflerPerdue pressured Trump to sign the coronavirus relief bill: New York Post editorial board report asks Trump to ‘start thinking’ about Georgia’s runoff instead of overturning the Loeffler election, Perdue praises Trump for sign COVID-19 relief legislation after uncertainty MORE and David PerdueDavid PerduePerdue pressured Trump to sign the coronavirus relief bill: Juan Williams report: The Republican Party’s problem with black women The New York Post editorial board asks Trump to ‘start thinking’ about Georgia’s second rounds instead to annul the elections. MORE are facing Democrats Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, respectively, in disputes that will determine whether the Republican Party remains in control of the Senate.

About 1.5 million people have already voted in person, according to the US Elections Project, citing data from the Secretary of State published on Thursday. In addition, 802,290 entry ballots were accepted in the second round.

This is markedly high for a run-off election, which generally has much less participation than a general election.

More than 79,000 people who did not vote in the November general election voted in the second round.

The second round has already set a record for early voting, when 168,000 Georgians went to the polls the day they opened and another 314,000 voted absent that day. More than 1.1 million people voted in person or by mail during the first week after the opening of the early vote.

If Warnock and Ossoff win both races, each party will have 50 seats in the Senate, with the vice-president elected Kamala HarrisKamala HarrisBiden announces White House digital team Juan Williams: The Republican Party’s problem with black women The New York Post’s editorial board asks Trump to ‘start thinking’ about Georgia’s second rounds instead of canceling the elections. MORE casting a tiebreaker vote.

Democrats have argued that winning the upper house will be crucial to moving the elected president Joe BidenJoe BidenMichigan Mayor draws criticism with Facebook posts suggesting rebellion: Trump report names Roisman interim SEC president, Biden appointed to the Interior discusses environmental injustice with tribal leaders MOREthe agenda ahead as soon as he takes office.

Biden, Harris and President TrumpDonald TrumpTrump calls for an end to “religious persecution worldwide” on the 850th anniversary of Thomas Becket’s death. The interview with Michael Cohen raises questions after he mentions friends from prison ‘Tony Meatballs and Big Minty’ Ocasio-Cortez against Democrats and Republicans who opposed $ 1,000 direct payments MORE they are among the names on List A who compete for their parties in Georgia.

In addition, Ossoff is now the best-funded Senate candidate in US history, managing to raise $ 106.8 million the past two months. Warnock raised $ 103.4 million separately during the same period. Loeffler and Perdue raised a combined $ 171 million.

The latest ballot record came a day after a federal judge blocked Ben Hill and Muscogee counties from purging voter records based on unverified change of address.
