145 employees infected by coronavirus outbreak in Washington Costco state

An outbreak of COVID-19 in Costco, Washington, left 145 employees infected.

The Yakima Health District said in a statement on Wednesday, there was evidence that the sharp increase mimics the type of activity that occurs after an “overspread” event in which several people are infected at the same time.

All individuals with a positive test are completing their isolation or quarantine periods, the Health District said. The district recommended that the store continue testing throughout the site so that its employees can monitor the outbreak going forward.

Melissa Sixberry, director of Disease Control, said in a statement that they anticipate that the number of cases will increase in the coming days as testing across the site continues.

Costco employs 383 people, according to KOMO News. At the end of last week, officials said 68 employees tested positive.

The outbreak occurs while Yakima County is dealing with an increase in COVID-19 cases. Larry Jecha, interim health officer, said in a statement that “COVID-19 levels continue to rise across the county.”

“We are seeing a record number of hospitalizations this week and we need your help to stop the spread,” said Jecha. “Remember that masks alone are not an effective intervention. It is the masks, along with social distance and frequent hand washing and, most importantly, staying at home when you are sick, that will help us prevent the spread of COVID-19. ”

There have been 19,281 coronavirus infections in the county since the start of the pandemic and 314 deaths, according to a Health District.
