10 New Year’s resolutions that help the planet

When setting your New Year’s resolutions, try to make those that help our planet and improve the environment. It will impact everyone positively.

It also doesn’t have to be difficult. Simple steps to reduce, reuse and recycle can increase. Many of these changes often require little effort and can save money.

1. Love aluminum more

Did you know that recycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a television for three hours? The current amount of energy saved in a year just by recycling aluminum cans in the United States could illuminate the entire city of Denver for more than 10 years, according to the Action Recycling Center in Colorado.

That’s because aluminum is infinitely recyclable, making it an ideal container. In fact, about 75% of all aluminum ever produced in the United States is still in use today. Aluminum is one of the only materials in the consumer’s waste stream that more than pays for the cost of its own collection.

“Americans throw away more than $ 700 million in aluminum cans every year,” according to the Aluminum Association.

Think about how much impact it would have if we recycled more cans.

Action Recycling points out that the amount of aluminum that Americans throw away every three months could rebuild our entire commercial air fleet.

2. Say no to disposable plastics

Nobody wants to hate plastic entirely. It has its purpose. In many cases, it is a vital material.

For example, bicycle helmets, child safety seats, medical equipment and cell phones are all made of plastic parts. Disposable plastics, such as plastic water bottles, straws and grocery bags, raise the biggest concerns.

  • Plastic water bottles. Try using a reusable bottle instead, and only use disposable bottles in emergencies or when you don’t have access to a reusable bottle.
  • Plastic straws. When you go to a restaurant, unless you really need to, tell them you don’t want a straw. This alone can impact the reduction of plastic in our oceans.
  • Shopping bags. Most stores now sell their own reusable bags or you can order a paper bag that can be easily recycled or composted – let’s start composting a little later.
In addition to these options, you can help remove plastic from the ocean from the comfort of your sofa. When you answer a trivial question on the Free the Ocean website, the company will remove a piece of plastic from the ocean.

Advertising on the website funds the cause to actually remove the plastic.

You can come back each day to answer a new question and, hey, you can learn something new in the process.

3. Disconnect devices

We all love our devices. They help us when it comes to needing guidance, keeping us connected with friends and family and providing the possibility to work from home.

When you’re not using devices, appliances, or not in a room, just turn off lights and other electronic devices.

4. Do not pre-wash the dishes

If everyone stopped rinsing dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, America could save 150 billion gallons of water in just one year, according to Reckitt Benckiser, the parent company of the Finish brand. How much water is exactly 150 billion?

“This is roughly the equivalent of 230,000 Olympic swimming pools,” said Pedram Javaheri, a CNN meteorologist. “Or it would take 39,800 years to continually turn on the shower to use so much water.”

The company believes in this so much that it started what they call the Promise to Skip the Rinse. The campaign claims that for every person who makes the pledge, Finland donates $ 1 to Nature Conservation.
“The reason is that most dishwashers that cost $ 500 or more, sold in the past five years or more, have a sensor that determines the depth of washing required,” explains Consumer Reports on the efficient use of the dishwasher. wash the dishes. “At the beginning of the cycle, he washes the dishes and then checks how dirty the water is to determine the appropriate amount of time and water to clean everything. If you have already rinsed off much of the dirt, the sensor has misinterpreted the dishes already very clean. “

This means that pre-washed dishes only receive a light wash. So, if you have a relatively new dishwasher, let it do its job.

5. Make your home more energy efficient

Adjusting the thermostat to a few degrees – especially if you’re not at home – will not only reduce your bill, but will help reduce energy use.

Another tip to make your home more energy efficient: replace old light bulbs with more efficient ones.

Although initially a little more expensive, replacing old light bulbs saves money in the long run. Normally, the most energy efficient lamps shine more brightly, so you don’t have to turn on so many lights. In addition, they can last up to five times longer than normal light bulbs, so you don’t need to replace them as often.

Adding insulation or double glazed windows it can also make your home more efficient, as heating and air conditioning will not need to work as often.

6. Opt for email receipts when available

You can reduce paper waste by requesting receipts by email. Many companies now offer email receipts as a secondary option for those on paper, including Apple, Macy’s and Home Depot, to name a few.

Amazon made it much easier to buy environmentally friendly products

It is also more convenient if you need to make returns. How many times have you had to go back and search your desk paperwork, or your purse or wallet, to look for a receipt to return something? Now just open the email and go!

Another easy way to reduce paper waste is to pay your bills online, if possible. In addition to being more convenient, some companies even offer automatic payment, so you don’t have to set a payment reminder on time. Make sure that the company you are paying for still lists the full invoice that you would normally send so you can verify it.

An additional way to reduce paper waste is to opt out of receiving unsolicited advertising. Many people don’t like receiving junk mail in any way.

The Federal Trade Commission provides information on its website on how to be removed from the lists.

7. Plant a garden

One great thing about planting a garden is that size doesn’t matter.

You can create a giant flower bed full of fruits and vegetables in your yard or have just a few potted plants inside your home. Either way, you are benefiting the environment in many ways.

To start, whenever you plant a tree, flower, shrub or place a plant in a pot in your home, you are adding a natural feature that reduces carbon and produces oxygen.

Planting a garden allows you to grow some of your own vegetables and fruits, instead of buying produce, and it also reduces your overall carbon footprint.

8. Change your coffee filters and coffee capsules

Coffee drinkers delight in this daily ritual. But it also means accumulating waste daily.

By simply exchanging your coffee filters or disposable coffee cups or capsules for more sustainable or reusable ones, you can help reduce frivolous waste.

9. Consider alternatives to gift wrapping

Some gift papers are recyclable when they do not use foil or glitter or any other additives that interfere with the recycling process. But there are so many other alternatives for wrapping gifts.

Natural baskets are a great alternative, not only because they are beautiful, but they are easy to transport if you are giving away heavier items.

Scraps of fabric and old handkerchiefs are beautiful alternatives and can also add a little filling to more delicate gifts.

However, if you prefer the more traditional look of paper, try paper bags, tissue paper, old calendar pages or even newspapers. Not a fan of a newspaper’s black and white look? Comics work.

10. Create a home compost bin

Banana peels, eggshells, apple pits, coffee grounds and vegetable scraps usually go to the trash. But leftovers can also be recycled in black gold or free compost for your garden.

Composting reduces the amount of waste that goes to a landfill. It also creates nutrient-rich soil that can be used later in your home.

The biggest deterrent for many when it comes to composting is smell. If you have space, take the composter outside. In addition, when collecting compost inside your home, use a container with a lid or seal to prevent the kitchen from smelling until you can place the items inside the composter.

If you don’t have space for composting in your space, try connecting with a composting service in your local area, like CompostNow. These services – paid – will collect your compost with the chance to obtain it later.

CNN meteorologist Haley Brink contributed to this story.
