1 in 5 Americans have sexually transmitted diseases

New federal data shows that about 1 in 5 people in the United States had a sexually transmitted infection on a given day and half of them in people under 24.

The 2018 statistics were released on Monday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The analysis was published in the journal Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STI).

The data shows that there were almost 68 million STDs on any given day and 26 million STDs recently acquired in 2018.


Almost one in two STI incidents was acquired by people aged 15 to 24 years.

Federal authorities estimate that sexually transmitted diseases cost the health care system billions of dollars annually and those acquired in 2018 alone will add $ 16 billion in direct medical costs over a lifetime.

Women are responsible for a disproportionate burden of severe STI results and medical costs, according to the report.

The authors recommend express STI clinics that allow testing and treatment of STI without a thorough clinical examination.

They also suggest that pharmacies and retail health clinics are able to provide new access points for STD services, such as on-site testing and treatment.

Telehealth / telemedicine is also recommended as an especially critical component for STD services in rural areas.
